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Improving Patient Retention Statistics for Autoimmune Disease Research

Retention of patients is a key research priority and is a challenge for many trials. This failure to collect primary outcome data significantly reduces the statistical power of trials and introduces bias into analyses. The Delphi study identifies six critical topics for future retention research. One of these is to determine the effects of different retention strategies on patient withdrawal, lost to follow-up, and clinical staff failing to record primary outcomes. There are many reasons why retention is important and this study will focus on the causes and impact of these issues.

Retention is a key factor when treating a patient with an autoimmune disease. It is important to remember that not all patients are the same. Patients with an acute condition may be easier to understand than those with a chronic condition. Thus, treatment retention rates for acute conditions are higher than those for chronic conditions. The median CD4 count was 109 cells/mm3.

The study looked at data from multiple health facilities and developed a framework based on the themes found from interviews and focus groups. However, it did not estimate the cost-effectiveness of any particular intervention, nor did it assess its relative contribution to patient retention. The findings of the study point to the importance of developing patient retention strategies that focus on addressing the root causes of low retention. A few recommendations can help improve the retention of patients. Consider implementing these recommendations.



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